  • 深圳市成为信息股份有限公司

  • Shenzhen Chainway Information Technology Co., Ltd

  • 3A18

  • 手持终端、RFID 读写器、工业平板、RFID 模块、RFID 打印机、智能车载终端等

  • 物流管理、零售连锁、智慧医疗、仓储管理、车辆管理、驾培管理、电力能源、畜牧管理

  • 宝安区留仙一路高新奇科技园二期二栋9楼

  • http://www.chainway.cn/www.chainway.net

  • 深圳成为信息是AIDC行业专业的数据采集设备供应商。集研发、制造、销售及服务于一体,面向全球各行业用户提供品类丰富的数据采集终端产品。产品包括手持终端、手持式、穿戴式及固定式RFID读写器、RFID扫描枪、RFID打印机、RFID模块、工业平板、生物识别终端、车载终端等设备及配件。总部和工厂位于深圳,在全球各地拥有分支机构及渠道供应商。产品远销全球130多个国家及地区,客户数量超过5000家。

  • Shenzhen Chainway Information Technology Co., Ltd. is a professional data capture devices supplier and solutions provider in the AIDC industry. We continuously focus on research, development and industry applications of RFID, barcode, and biometric technology to provide professional devices and solutions to support digitization of enterprises and governments, helping them to streamline workflow, improve efficiency, and reduce operating costs.
    We design, manufacture and supply a wide range of AIDC products, including mobile computers, handheld RFID readers, fixed RFID readers, wearable RFID readers, rugged tablets, biometric readers and RFID modules. We also provide a full range of services, including maintenance, technical support, repair and other professional services. These products and services have been adopted in a wide range of industries worldwide - retail, logistics, transportation, healthcare, finance, power, livestock, manufacturing, public security, and large-scale exhibitions, etc.
    Our products are used in more than 100 countries and regions around the world, with more than 5,000 end-clients to date. In order to better serve our clients, we have established a comprehensive global sales and service supply chain with our headquarters in Shenzhen, local branch offices, a subsidiary in India, and a lot of overseas authorized dealers. We are committed to providing our clients around the world with high-quality data capture products and services.


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